
Grade percentage guidelines are as follows:

A+ = 97.5 - 100 +
A = 92.5 - 97.4
A- = 89.5 - 92.4
B+ = 86.5 - 89.4
B = 82.5 - 86.4
B- = 79.5 - 82.4
C+ = 76.5 - 79.4
C = 72.5 - 76.4
C- = 69.5 - 72.4
D+ = 66.5 - 69.4
D = 62.5 - 66.4
D- = 59.5 - 62.4
F = 0.0 - 59.4
I = Incomplete / In-progress
P = Pass
The following grading scale will be used for classes that are a part of the 6th-grade 6-week explore rotation (Art, Family & Consumer Science, Industrial Technology, and Passports).
E     89.5-100     Excellent
S+   82.5-89.4    Satisfactory +
S     76.5-82.4    Satisfactory
S-     69.5-76.4   Satisfactory –
N     59.5-69.4     Needs Improvement
U      0-59.4        Unsatisfactory