8/23/2024, 6:30 PM 8:30 PM

Important Information:
Student IDs: Students must bring their school IDs to enter the dance. If a student forgets their ID, they will need to wait at the end of the line to check in by the roster.
Concessions: Snacks and drinks will be available for purchase during the dance.
Dress Code: The school dress code will be enforced.
Drop-Off & Pick-Up:
6th Grade Students: Drop off at Door 14 on the east side of the building, next to the parking lot.
7th & 8th Grade Students: Drop off at the gym doors on the east side of the building, near the parking lot.
Pick-Up Time: Please ensure that you pick up your student promptly at 8:30 PM.
Parking Lot Flow: Our parking lot operates as a one-way system. Enter through the parking lot north entrance and exit through the southeast exit. Please pull up past Door 14 to allow more cars to drop off their students. This helps with the flow of traffic and keeps students safe.
We can't wait to see your student at the dance!

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