Welcome to 7-3 Science

My name is Kole Kluver and I will be teaching science and reading for team 7-3. I grew up on a farm near Fairfield, Nebraska. My fiance is Samantha, my son Tennysen, and my puppies Pippen and Scout. This will be my third year teaching, but my first at Horizon. I attended UNK so I am very excited to be back in Kearney.
In class this year, we will start by studying the geology of Mars to determine if it was once suitable for sustaining life. We will then take what we learn from the first unit and apply it to the study of plate motion, or the movement of Earth's tectonic plates. This unit will then lead into the study of rock transformations, where students learn how one type of rock turns into another in a long, continuous cycle. After, we will study the different phases of matter and the chemical reactions that can trigger those changes. We will end the year by looking at populations of organisms and what they need in order to reproduce and survive.